Why should I read the Bible when I already know how it ends? The partial answer is that temptation to engage in rebellious behaviors against God’s perfect plan is exceedingly powerful when we don’t know what God actually said. Compare and contrast Genesis 2:15-17 with Genesis 3:2-3, for example. Additionally, “Money is the root of all evil” and “God helps those who help themselves” may be common worldly sayings, but neither is found in the Bible.
But the single most important reason for knowing the Word of the Lord is love. We can enter into a love relationship only with someone we know. We may not physically walk with God as did Adam and Eve, Abraham, the Disciples, etc., but, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we can still get to know God on a personal and intimate level by becoming personally and intimately familiar with His Word.
I would like you to consider the Bible reading plan as an invitation from God Himself to read His Love story, dedicated personally to you. Daily lavish in the luxury of God’s revelation of Himself to you as it unfolds progressively, not just suddenly somewhere toward the end of the book. Begin to understand for yourself that Father God sincerely wants His children to share in His rule over all creation and to exercise dominion over all subordinate powers.
Throughout this reading of God’s love letter to you, notice in the first two days readings how those who engage in rebellion against God, whether intentionally or ignorantly, bind themselves to subjugation. On the contrary, those who are intimately familiar with God’s perfect plan and purpose for them are equipped to respond in obedience to His plan. And, in that obedience, we’re offered the awesome privileged seats of co-rulers with Almighty God.
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Genesis 1:26 NIV