Dust It Off: Out of the Heart

Psalm 119:11

Jesus could have also been thinking of Psalm 119:11 when he rebuked the religious leaders quoting Isaiah 29:13. He explained to his disciples that what comes out of the mouth (not only verbally but all our actions) comes from the heart. It is not the external trappings of religion that makes us righteous, but what we have internalized—the religious leaders of his time had certainly not internalized God’s Word. Rather, they had internalized their own twisted interpretation of Scripture.

Internalizing God’s Word is all about letting it change us, from the inside out. It is a partnership between us and God. As we read and study Scripture we also need to be listening to the Holy Spirit’s voice allowing Him to move in our lives. Yes, prayer is deeply involved in our Bible reading and study. Prayer of course is communication with God, not only us talking to Him but allowing Him to talk to us.

The acronym P.R.A.Y., praise, repent, ask and yield, is exactly what we need to be doing while reading and studying Scripture. Sometimes one or the other will be the focus that God has for us in His Word. The Psalms are a good example of this. Some raise up praise primarily but often have hints of the others. Psalms of repentance also exhibit yielding as well as the others. No matter what verses we read, we need to ask, how do I respond and then do it. When we do, God will change our hearts, change our lives, and the words out of our mouths and the actions of our lives will bring God the glory and honor.


The decrees of the Lord are firm,
    and all of them are righteous.
They are more precious than gold,
    than much pure gold;
they are sweeter than honey,
    than honey from the honeycomb.
By them your servant is warned;
    in keeping them there is great reward. -Psalm 19:9-11