Duties - Crossing the Line

Colossians 2:4-23

Paul indicates in Col. 2:4 that he wrote everything prior to this point, especially Col. 2:2, which is his stated goal, as a firm foundation on which they are to build their faith (see Col. 1:23; 2:7). It is in contrast to contrary arguments, which are merely deceptively persuasive speech, thoughts, ideas, philosophy and empty fantasy made up by people who have no relationship with God (v. 4, 8).

Col. 2:9 focuses back on who the Son is again (as in Col. 1:13-22; 2:3): all of the fullness of God dwells in Jesus! (repeating 1:19) BUT NOTE!: we are included in that fullness! (Col 2:10). The fullness, in Christ: circumcision, buried, raised, made alive, forgiveness (Col. 2:11-14) are all made complete.

Are there people who judge your Christianity based on anything other than your faith and love perhaps like your participation in “City Serve Sunday,” or “All Church Work Day,” or the “Annual Bonfire/Chili Cookoff”? Do “good Christians” gamble? …listen to rap, rock, or jazz music? Where’s the line when it comes to behavior? Is there a line? 1 Cor 6:12, 10:23, 10:31-32, 13:1-3 Paul says There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. If God is for us, who can be against us? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Rom. 8:1, 31, 33, 35 Those lines in the sand are washed away by the crashing waves of Christ.


  1. Where do you think the line is between doing God’s work and doing the duties of people?
  2. How does being judgmental affect our relationship with God and our fellow Christians?