Good News: Witness (Martyreō)

John 5:33-36

When I was a teenager, I had a job delivering for a local pharmacy. One day, as I was passing a park, I took an unscheduled break. I got out of the car and went for a walk. Somewhere along the way I had dropped the keys to my boss’ car among the grass and leaves. As I was already late, I looked frantically. I didn’t want to admit to my boss my failures. Ultimately, I lifted my hands to heaven and said “God help me”. At once, the metal closure of my watchband popped open in a make-shift directional pointer. I followed the direction as straight as I could walk and, soon enough, came across the keys.

There have been many more occasions where God has helped me in ways I can’t offer any worldly explanation. And while this one may sound like a small miracle, it happened to me – this is the testimony I can personally witness to.

We may think we have to memorize the entire Bible, or at least the entire work of Jesus Christ to effectively witness to people. The truth is, people who don’t even know Jesus personally aren’t usually looking for theology or chapter-and-verse quotes. They just want to know what Jesus is doing for you. When you tell your story, you tell it as it really happened (because it did) and people pick up on that. They may never need your exact miracle, but they crave miracles in their lives. And that’s the moment they’ll ask: “Do you think miracles could happen in my life?” And the follow-up question “How?” That’s when they’re ready to hear about the Jesus you know personally.


When Silas and Timothy had come from Macedonia, Paul was compelled by the Spirit, and testified (diamartyromai) to the Jews that Jesus is the Christ. Acts 18:5 NKJV