Here Below: Day of Accountability

**The Bags of Gold

In this parable, one of the first thigs we notice is that the bags of gold don’t belong to these three men. Everything they receive belongs to the master who considerately grants them the use of no less or more than each individual can appropriately manage. Therefore, when the master returns on the day of accountability, each one answers for himself, individually, not “on the curve”.

Is this master kind or relentless? The easy answer, of course is, the master is kind. Each of the three men receive something from the master that they could never have earned themselves. They are hereby empowered with the freedom of a variety of choices they would never otherwise experience.

Do you view God as a kind and benevolent Master or relentless? Actually, both are correct. Of course, He’s kind and benevolent. He gives us more than enough to respond effectively in fulfilling His individual plan for us as we grow His kingdom here below. Yet, He does not overwhelm us with so much that we’re easily tempted to do shameful things. And, our Master is so loving that He deals relentlessly with those who – by act or omission – prevent many others from coming into His glorious gift of salvation which comes by faith in Christ and Christ alone.

How many bags of gold we receive from God is irrelevant. What this parable points each one of us to is the day of accountability. On that day, each of us will stand alone and answer to God as to how much of His generosity we “buried” and how much we used to multiply His kingdom by investing the good news with other people. On that day, when you stand alone before your Master, how will you account for the growth of the Kingdom here below? Today, let’s move closer to the center of God’s kingdom than we have ever been before and hear our benevolent and loving Master say “Well done!”

New International Version (NIV)

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. -2 Corinthians 5:10 (NIV)