I recently watched the movie The Star which is the animated retelling of the Christmas story from a donkey’s perspective. At one point things are not going well and Mary says something like, “Just because God has a plan for us doesn’t mean it will be easy.” God’s plan for Mary was to become the mother of Jesus. It was not easy. It was even prophesied by Simeon at the temple at Jesus’ baby dedication that her heart would be pierced Luke 2:35. But when we know God has a plan for us and we walk in faith believing in His providence despite all that is going on around us, we will be victorious.
After the great victory over Jericho where the children of God obeyed Him following His plan, they jumped right in and attacked a little town Ai. It was no biggie. They had just defeated the juggernaut Jericho so why bother to check in with God? They could do it… or not. The providence of God is just that, God’s providence. When we go out on our own and do things by our own strength, we will invariably fail. It isn’t because God is against us, rather, we are acting on our own and sometimes even against God. We have moved ourselves out of His protection, His providence.
After Joshua and the people of Israel defeated Ai they did something that is important to see and duplicate, they renewed their covenant with God. They spent time in God’s Word. They spent time devoting themselves once again to God. They spent time reflecting on what went wrong at Ai. We too must work on our relationship with God. We must take time to read His Word, worship and pray. We must devote ourselves totally to Him. As we do, we will be in His providence, His protections and guidance, we will be victorious.
But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. -Psalm 5:11