Mind Control: Who's Mind Is It Anyway?

God wants us to be involved in His work. We just can’t sit back and let others do everything because others can not do everything. We may think that we are not important, that we are not needed, that there are too many other things that need our attention. But that thinking is wrong.

I was watching a car show in which the mechanic was complaining how although no one ever sees what he does, that everyone thinks that it is not important, if he wasn’t there doing his job, the car wouldn’t work. Another person scoffs at it so the guy gets so mad he quits his job. Two weeks later the car is still sitting there because no one else in the auto repair shop knows how to do that “insignificant” scoffable job. The owner of the shop goes around yelling at everyone about how the car is not getting done. When it comes out why the guy quit, the owner yells some more and makes the statement, “Every job is important. A car won’t work if even one little thing isn’t done right.”

Every job in the Body of Christ is important. Things won’t get done if we don’t step up and do them. I wouldn’t be surprised if this summer there are things not getting done at Flatland because no one has stepped up. I personally don’t know what they are, but I can just bet the pastors are sitting there saying, “How are we going to get this done?” How many times has someone said, “We can pick that up again in the fall.” In the mean time, the “car” is sitting there not working.

Ok, confession time. I almost dropped the ball this week. I haven’t been feeling the greatest, the research team has taken a 2 series vacation so I am the only one writing these posts on a regular basis which is why only one a week is coming out right now. I almost said to myself, “Eh, I can skip it this week. No one will notice.” Maybe no one will. **But**_ that isn’t for me to say. God said in His Word, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." “Each member belongs to all the others."_ (emphasis mine) “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it." As such, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."

I was going to be lazy this week. I was going to skip this “insignificant” writing. But as I fondly remember a pint of delicious ice cream Jen made as I watch a stupid car show, even if what I do seems insignificant, God isn’t, His work isn’t and you are important.

So that in all things God my be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and power for every and ever.    Amen. -1 Peter 4:11
