Overcome an overwhelming world. Rejoice at all times. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in every event. Every one of these can sound like overwhelming tasks in and of themselves. First, I don’t have the power to overcome an overwhelming world and I find no cause to rejoice in that knowledge. Secondly, I simply don’t have the time to be on my knees praying constantly. I have a lot to do each day. Goals like these just aren’t realistic for me.
But what if I could do just one thing that would cover all the rest. Jesus said to seek first the kingdom of God and everything needed would be added to me. So, what does seeking God even look like? Well, first of all it means looking for Him wherever you go as if you’re seeking out a friend who’s told you that He’s planning on going to the same event. When you see that your friend is there, ignoring Him doesn’t seem natural; speaking with Him does. This doesn’t mean that you literally talk constantly, rather that you continue to speak to one another as the event unfolds. You share your thoughts about the event and other things happening in your life. You even ask for advice when you’re looking for solutions and you embrace that advice when it’s wise.
Seeking God first makes praying without ceasing a natural occurrence and not some burden or task we have to complete. And just telling Him “Thanks” when you remember some kind thing that He’s done for you will also come naturally no matter what event your attending together. And being joyful is a natural by-product of being thankful. I mean, have you ever seen the joy on kids’ faces when they’re thanking you for a Christmas present?
This is the very definition of seeking God first and having all other things added “automatically”. For joy is God’s will for you in the first place – it’s His present to you. And all you have to do to claim that present is to look for God during all events you find yourself in, approach Him and speak with Him naturally as events unfold. The power to heal and calm you in mind, body and soul is both promised and unleashed in you through conversations with God.
then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. Acts 4:10 NIV