I have two sure fire methods for planning my vacation. The first is the easiest. Step 1, start driving and decide where I want to go. Step 2, fail. A sure fire result happens. The second method is to pour over all the maps, decide every stop, make reservations for each night at the perfect distance for the day, have plotted the drive out on my computer and printed the instructions, just in case the GPS fails. Make lists of everything that I need to pack, pack, get it loaded in the car the night before, wake up early, go over everything on my list “one last time” and depart exactly on time, knowing for sure, everything will be perfect… well, until it isn’t. Car breaks down, a blizzard closes the road, eat the wrong thing and lay in a run down dirty motel sick as a dog.
That is the problem. We make plans, we plan our plans, we follow those plans down to the letter and still, nothing ever goes to plan. Of course, the oposite is true, just as the old saying goes, “If you aim at nothing, that is exactly what you will hit.” We need to make plans but the first step and only important step in all planning is to place our lives into God’s hand and seek His guidance in all we do. Jesus was very clear, “Do not worry about tomorrow…” as long as you seek God, His kingdom, His righteousness. When we make our plans with God’s direction and purpose, we have nothing to worry about.
Tomorrow will always be tomorrow, lets not worry about it. Today, let us continue to walk with God, seek His direction, and desire to do His will. God will take care of us today and make staight the way for tomorrow. If you haven’t taken that step and turned your life over to God, do it now. He is here for you.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)