You Matter: Spectacular

Genesis 6

What’s your story? As Pastor Codey here at Flatland mentioned this past Sunday, many of us think this question refers to our past. We tend to believe our story is what we have done, become, or what has happened to us. And, especially if we’re of a certain age, we may believe we’ve completed our work for the Lord, and we’re just going through the rest of our life waiting for Him to come and take us to heaven. But if our earthly story is complete, God would have called us home by now. So, the real question is: “What’s the next chapter in your life for which God is currently preparing you?”

If the excitement in your life is historical, it’s easy to lose enthusiasm for even thinking about beginning another chapter. But just because you’re not experiencing any extraordinary events currently, it doesn’t mean God’s not busy. I think Noah’s story can shed some encouragement onto ours. Noah waited 120 years for the flood God for which told him to prepare. In that time, best estimates are that it took him 75 years to construct the ark. Imagine, day after day, year after year, decade after decade building a boat in the dessert and not having a truck big enough to tow it to the sea. And all this because of a promise that’s grown 120 years old.

Noah’s faith never wavered. In a life of doing the same thing every day that defied human logic on every level, his continued obedience to the Lord made perfect sense to him. Noah walked with God. And because of his obedience in the monotonous, he was saved in the miraculous. God had a plan for Noah because you matter. Just think of it; we get to be alive today because we’re descendants of Noah. God was busy writing your story way back then – and it’s far from over. You’re just one episode of obedience away from the spectacular upcoming event God wants to add to your story.


Noah did just what God told him to do. Genesis 6:22 NLV