When tasked with the challenge to write on what does it mean to study the Bible I sort of thought, “Oh boy, I am in trouble.” Not because I don’t know what it means, I have a tendency to go overboard with studying the Bible. I start looking at one passage of Scripture and find myself wandering all over the place, going down rabbit hole after rabbit hole and completely forgetting that I am studying that one passage. Now sometimes that is fine but I also fear that I might just miss what God really wants to say to me. I start chasing my interests all the while God is there waving His hands saying look at this, hear me here.
The whole purpose of studying the Bible is to hear God speak to us through the Holy Spirit. There are times when the Spirit may very well direct us to wander away from the Scripture we are reading and focus on a different passage. But we need to make sure that when we are studying the Bible, our main concern is to hear God and sometimes that means, read and study those passages which we really don’t want to study. To study the Bible is to study God, from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. We have to always be listening and ensure that we allow the Bible to say what it actually says and not put our own feelings and desires into what we are reading. God is calling us, “Here am I, learn from Me, study my Word and make our relationship closer.”
Although studying the Bible alone is good, studying the Bible with others can be even better. Alone, we can loose motivation, alone we can find other things to do instead of studying the Bible. Studying with others helps keep us motivated and encouraged. Also, studying with others helps keep us from wandering away from the truth God has put in the Bible. Flatland has a bunch of ways to study the Bible, everything from Life Groups to formal study through the Omaha School of Ministry. In between those we have several classes including the Next Step class, mentoring and coaching. Each provide different levels of study and different ways to learn all about God.
What does it means to study the Bible? To grow in our relationship with God and with our fellow Christians. Study God’s Word to stand amazed by God, to love God, to move together with other believers closer and closer to Him who saves.
The law of the Lord is perfect,
refreshing the soul.
The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
The precepts of the Lord are right,
giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are radiant,
giving light to the eyes. -Psalm 19