Overwhelmed? Trust and Seek

Matthew 6:25-34

Are you aware of God’s will for your life? If not, most likely you will find yourself frequently overwhelmed by events that crash into your life. Worry and fret are a common feeling. Events like a pandemic, war, or natural catastophe dominate our thoughts and we find ourselves so overwhelmed we are paralyzed. We sit and stare at the news on TV, constantly worrying about the next thing that might happen without any direction in our own lives. It is a careless way to live because those things we worry about, no matter if they actually happen, will affect us physically, mentally and spiritually. Stress is a known killer, all because we don’t have good plans for our lives, plans that are according to God’s will.

Now when we read Jesus’ words about not worrying about tomorrow, he isn’t saying to skip making plans at all. Rather, he is instructing us to always seek what God’s plans are and follow them, take on His plans. When we make plans, we need to ask God, “Is this what you want?” He will take care of us as we obey Him. Today is enough to focus on, trusting God’s plan for tomorrow will be perfect and pleasing.

We have the choice. We can make no plans and worry about what is going to happen in the future, paralyzing us for today, or, we can seek God’s plans, trust in them and have a worry free life. Flatland has many resources to help us seek God’s will. Two that can really be of help are coaching and mentoring. Coaching works with specific goals that we feel will help transform our lives. Mentoring tries to help us grow in our knowledge and love for God and His people. Through them, we grow in Christ and learn more how we may follow God’s plan for our lives. We will move from being careless to being caring for God’s kingdom.


Read Romans 12 and pray, “What is God’s good, pleasing and perfect will for me?”

May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face shine on us—
so that your ways may be known on earth,
your salvation among all nations.
-Psalm 67:1-2